
Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Top-heavy / Bottom-heavy

Hockey is so exciting.

the Boss - Anthony

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How I spent my day off...

It seemed like a good idea at the time... I probably need a life... Self caricature, acrylic on crumpled canvas scrap (unstretched) approx. 16x25''
it took 2 or 3 hours... i'm rusty with acrylics i kept trying to treat it like oils.
I used a limited pallet 5 colours: Dioxodene Violet, Quinacridone Crimson, Hookers Green, Transparent Red Oxide and White. I'm happy with it... i might consider polishing it off a little...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Caricatures

I gave him t-shirt burn.

This guy had eye caves.
This is J U.

'nother Daks.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Daks is really short, and some other weirdos.

Daks is new... he's short - hight check wrist band 36"
he called me a jerk.
It was the kids idea to be chased by the abominable snowman. i like it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Weeds, Abnormal Canvas Growth and the Guide.

In 2006 I developed a weird obsession with weeds. I found this book at my cottage called "Ontario Weeds" its one of those books that are supposed to help you identify plants... namely weeds... I thought the idea of the book was hilarious. Unfortunately it was completely legit and not so funny once you get past the title.

I never liked drawing or painting flowers. Drawing something that is stereotypically pretty to make a stereotypically pretty drawing is... well its pretty boring. But think about the difference between a rose and a dandelion... To draw a weed is far more fun. These things people are just trying to get rid of and there i am frolicking about "I drew you a weed do you like it??"...or at least thats how i imagine myself around angry gardeners everywhere.

Dandelion 1/3 VE, Waterless Lithography, 2006

Above is the first piece i did that included a weed. Weeds became a reoccurring theme, that expanded into fungus, moss, lichen barnacles and choral. This obsession followed me for 8 months before I had the idea for abnormal canvas growth. I have all these pictures i took on my cell phone of rotting logs and mushrooms to help me invent paint-weeds that 'increase the value of the infected fabric'. I had to make a guide... the whole idea came from 'Ontario Weeds'.

So here are some of the pictures and text from A Guide to Abnormal Canvas Growth:

Albino Island Lichen

Tabulati Albiorgaletta

Albino Island Lichen is a high density elastomic growth found commonly in the upper regions of the canvas. This growth creates a flat white base on the canvas with occasional light grey spots flush to the canvas. On the base, the lichen grows in 1mm thick sections in varying shapes and sizes. When mature it grows to have a second layer, growing in 2 or 3 separate sections. Several cylindrical eyes grow on Albino Island Lichen usually situated in the centres of some of the top most layers.

Fighter Turkey Tails

Paulamordeo Cirripedia

Fighter Turkey Tails are part of the pistacia family. These growths have a violet oval exoskeleton (approx. 2cm long and 1cm wide) attached to canvas by a hinge of red substance at the topmost part of the shell. Inside each shell there are three red bulb ended antennae that, when open, protrude downwards from under the shell. When the shell is fully open a red doughnut shaped eye (5mm in diameter) is visible. Aggressive in nature, these growths have a tendency to grow on and destroy other canvas growths. Although these growths can be found on any part of the canvas they have a particular attraction to the colour green.

Gator Pools

Pallida Ascomycota

Gator Pools are gypsid based growths common to the mid to lower regions of the canvas. Dwelling commonly in groups, they are recognisable by their circular pool-like appearance (2-6cm in diameter) with light green protruding perimeter and dark green centres. The protruding perimeters of Gator Pools are hard, brittle and uneven. The sides are sloped inconsistently with some semblance to a mountain range. The darker green that resides inside the circular perimeter also can be found around these pool shapes and dripping down the canvas.

Spotted Dyehole Peeper

Purpurae Cavibaca

The Spotted Dyehole Peeper is a burrowing low density elastomic growth commonly found in the mid to upper regions of the canvas. These growths live primarily under the canvas burrowing dark blue holes through the fabric. The Peeper at maturity (approx. 5cm wide) is a deep purple lumpy creature with white spots and several green poacaedic stems sprouting from its lower regions. Typically two of the poacaedic stems are much longer (approx. 20cm long) and brown unlike the shorter (approx, 4cm long) green poacaedic stems. The base of the Peeper has a couplet of magenta sepals. The Peeper is also often topped with pairs of eye like seeds.

Tomato Ear

Lycopersici Semenfoli

The Tomato Ear is part of the seedillad family known to travel openly throughout open areas of the canvas. The main part of this growth resembles a slice of a small tomato: red, 1mm thick with inner pouches of seeds. This section is sheltered by a pink leaf (approx. 4cm long). The Tomato Ear has a frayed black tail releasing several tiny round spores.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


... no stories today, just pictures... i need sleep.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

another day, more caricatures.

this child sat in the chair... I never said anything to her I just smiled at her and she sat down. I drew most of it really quickly (it was the morning i needed a demo), she ran off before I finished. she didn't change her expression once, and she never saw the drawing. I coloured it and used it for bait.

This kid was obnoxious... his face was sort of squashed in the middle.
I bet he was punched in the middle of the face when he was a baby.

This mermaid had an interesting face her fairy sister (below) was not as fun.

She told me that I made her face look like a potato... then she bought a large frame and showed it off to her friends.

I'm not pleased with this one... it was an easy face to take to the moon and i didn't. waste of a good face.
Here are some of the live caricatures i did today at Canada's Wonderland:

early drawing, no colour. *pouts. The girl kept talking about her monkey so i drew it 'for free'

She asked me if i could make them look pretty... i said yes, then did whatever i wanted. Exaggerate doesn't mean make ugly, I don't give people self esteem issues... people just have them. Regardless, they loved it.

The Bride had a bananaface.

This was a Redraw, note the concerned looks on both their faces...
they looked happier once they saw the drawing.

I got to draw death itself today.
The best part was the sounds the crowd made when i coloured the pupils in red.

Last drawing... it was in a frame (hence the glare) at night (hence the blur) but it was probably my favorite for the day... note one earing, she lost the other on a ride.