
Friday, August 8, 2008

In the chair...

Recently I've fallen in love with how awkward the chair is. I just let people sit there... i don't tell them to smile, or look a certain way... i love bored faces, scared faces, pleasant gazes, over excited smiles, and all the weird expressions in between. every expression is a piece of what it's like in the chair. having your caricature drawn is a unique experience, a whole production that people go out of their way, wait in line and pay a lot of money for. I believe that the experience of having your caricature drawn should reflect through the drawing. A live caricature is a multi layered cake. The caricaturist's job is to tickle your taste buds with every layer. countless people tell me every day how weird and awkward it is to sit in the chair; so i try every day to make that fact funny.

1 comment:

  1. even after drawing people in the chair a bunch its damn uncomfortable to sit in it. t'is a neat thing to look for.
